Fixed Wireless Installation: A Dedicated Guide

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Your Guide to Understanding Fixed Wireless Installation

Fixed wireless internet is a cost-effective and reliable alternative to other internet connectivity options, such as fiber optic and satellite internet. It offers excellent bandwidth and low latency. The ease of installation makes it the ideal choice for businesses in rural and remote areas.

Fixed Wireless Is the Future

Growing awareness about the digital divide and the rise of remote work is further shaping the future of fixed wireless. If your business is situated in a hard-to-reach location, you might have contacted wireless internet service providers regarding fixed wireless access. But chances are you aren’t familiar with the fixed wireless internet process.

What kind of equipment do you need for a fixed wireless connection? How long will it take to complete the installation? How are you supposed to troubleshoot any post-installation issues? If you’ve been searching for answers to these questions, we’ve got you covered. Here’s everything you need to know about getting a fixed wireless internet connection:

How Does Fixed Wireless Installation Work?

Connecting your business with fixed wireless involves two main steps:

  • Pre-installation site visit
  • Installation of fixed wireless equipment

Pre-Installation Site Visit

Any respectable fixed wireless internet provider will visit your business premises prior to installation. They might request access to the building’s roof as well. The purpose of this visit is to determine whether your location is in the direct line of sight (LOS) of the nearest wireless base station.

Technicians will gather additional data about the terrain and historical weather patterns. This is done to ensure your internet connection isn’t affected by adverse weather.

Equipment Installation

This step involves procuring and installing the necessary equipment to provide fixed wireless access. You’ll need to find a trustworthy ISP with technicians who are well-versed in the installation process.

What Equipment Is Needed for Fixed Wireless Installation?

The type of equipment required for fixed wireless internet depends on various factors, such as your location. The primary devices needed for a fixed wireless connection include:

  • Antenna
  • Router
  • CAT5 cable
  • Surge protector


Also known as a subscriber, an antenna receives radio signals from the nearest base station. It’s mounted on the exterior walls or rooftop of a building to maintain direct LOS with the base station. If the LOS is interrupted by trees, buildings, or other objects, your ISP will install a pole to mount the antenna.


It’s connected to the antenna via a cable. It receives internet signals and provides connectivity to various devices. Make sure you check with your ISP and get a router that’s suitable for fixed wireless.

CAT5 Cable

This is a standard cable used to connect the antenna and router.

Surge Protector

A surge protector is installed to safeguard the antenna and other network equipment from sudden power surges.

How Long Does Fixed Wireless Installation Take?

It’s likely the first question that’ll come to your mind when you think about getting a fixed wireless connection for your business. The time required for installation depends on your service provider. Most reputable fixed wireless providers complete installation within a week or two.

Fulfill Your Business Internet Connectivity Needs With Fixed Wireless

Fixed wireless internet is instrumental in providing stable and high-speed internet connectivity to businesses in remote areas. Installing network equipment and getting the connection ready takes only a couple of weeks.

BeyondReach provides you with top-notch fixed wireless internet connectivity. Get in touch with us today to request a quote.

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