BeyondReach Rural Internet Solutions: Our Covered Network

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Where Are BeyondReach Rural Internet Solutions Available?

High-speed internet is often taken for granted in urban areas, but it isn’t always available in remote or rural regions. The FCC reports that around 25% of the population in rural areas doesn’t have access to high-speed fixed broadband services,1 which can put businesses in these areas at a competitive disadvantage.

Many internet service providers (ISPs) struggle to offer rural internet services due to challenges such as:

  • A lack of existing infrastructure and the high cost of deploying new fiber builds.
  • Difficult terrains, including mountains and forests, which can hinder cable and network equipment deployment.
  • Limited access to consistent, affordable energy sources to power network equipment.
  • Difficulty maintaining networks in remote areas due to the distance and travel time required.

Unlike traditional ISPs, BeyondReach specializes in building solutions to provide connectivity in locations where other options don't exist. We've built 39 vertical assets (and counting) and leverage our partnerships with 950+ WISPs to connect businesses with fast, reliable rural internet services – even in the hardest-to-reach areas. That's why our network is ever-growing, as evidenced by our comprehensive network coverage map below:

Our Network _ BeyondReach

BeyondReach Rural Internet Service Availability

Along with our vertical assets and WISP partnerships, we have 300+ PoPs and six carrier hotels to help us service more than 1,400 locations in 49 U.S. states. 

While we do deliver internet connectivity to businesses in urban areas, our focus is on designing and building solutions for even the most challenging circumstances. Our ability to look outside the box for connectivity solutions is what sets BeyondReach apart from other rural internet providers. 

The way we connect so many businesses with high-speed internet, even in hard-to-reach areas, is with fixed wireless solutions. Fixed wireless networks use wireless equipment to deliver internet access to stations or receivers affixed to vertical assets. While its architecture is similar to a cellular network, the end user's stations are fixed rather than mobile. This makes fixed wireless an ideal alternative to fiber for rural internet services since it's quicker to deploy and is typically more cost-effective. 


BeyondReach Delivers Reliable Fixed Wireless for Remote Areas

BeyondReach makes it easy to get the reliable, budget-friendly rural internet connectivity that businesses in hard-to-reach locations need to stay competitive. If you have customers in remote areas, we can help you deliver:

Fixed Broadband - Our wireless, fiber, and copper broadband solutions are an ideal choice for rural businesses when download speeds are a higher priority than upload speeds.

DIA - Dedicated internet access (DIA) solutions offer a steady internet connection for businesses that need consistent performance and demanding SLAs to carry out their daily operations.

Wireless Transport - We can design point-to-point wireless connectivity solutions without using potentially unsecured external networks for secure data transfer between dispersed locations.

We're committed to connecting businesses with reliable fixed wireless internet solutions that solve even the toughest connectivity problems.

If you have questions about how BeyondReach can help you get your hard-to-reach customers connected, reach out to our team today.



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